Thursday, February 14, 2002

In the beginning....

This is my journal about my kids - Grace and Alan. Grace is the oldest, born in 91. Alan is my baby, born in 93. They are both so much fun in their own way. I really love them to pieces. They both had blonde hair and blue eyes when they were little. Grace's hair has turned brown, but she's still got those gorgeous blue eyes. Alan's hair is still blonde but you should see his eyes! Wow, they are such a bright blue!

When Grace was little she had curls, but they've since gone. Now her hair is thick and straight with a few waves. She's growing out her bangs, and it is driving her crazy. Growing out bangs can be very irritating. They are always in your face, and slip out of hairbands and barrettes. But she's doing a great job in controlling them. They are almost to her chin, not bad for 6 months growth! The rest of her hair is currently below her bra strap. I think she wants to cut it, but she hasn't made up her mind yet.

Alan's hair is short :) His hair grows forward and he likes it like that. I don't mind the top growing that way, but I can't stand the sides brushed forward. So we argue about that a lot. Mom got me a hair trimmer set for Christmas a few years back, I've been using them to cut Alan's hair. At first I was afraid of doing a bad job, but I watched the barber do Alan's hair and after that I knew it would be easy to do.