Tuesday, July 15, 2003

Abe - our newest member of the family

Earlier this month, Alan brought home a dog. It was a dalmatian mix. Alan was playing outside and the dog came up to him. He's young and cute and not too hyper. Alan begged to keep him, but he seemed to be kept by someone else. His toenails were short with the exception of the dew claws. He was thin, but I didn't think much of that.

So I told him we would hold him for a week and see. We then grabbed a leash and took a walk around the block asking people and knocking on doors. We know there are a few homes with dalmatians in the area, but none of them were missing a dog. One lady did recognize him as the neighbor's dog, but they just moved yesterday. hmmmm, I wonder if he was abandoned?

Then I called our local security to let them know of a found dog. And the local vets were notified too. No one called to claim him. I also emailed the dalmatian rescue guy to let him know. He helped us find Didi and is a nice man. He did email me back a week later with a lead from the newpaper. I called the man, and he came by to take a look, but it wasn't his dog.

So we have a new dog. God help us.

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