Wednesday, October 01, 2003


I'm getting frustrated again. When Alan was very young he had this 'game' where you couldn't do anything fast enough to suit him. When you did do something for him, he'd then turn away as if it weren't good enough. He's doing it again. A couple of times this week he would ask a question that I needed to think a bit and when I began to think he'd cut me off and say "forget it." And when I couldn't come to his aid soon enough (for him), he'd turn away and say "nevermind" Once he had some gift in his hand which he denied me. It was a photo of the two of us at school.

I'm not ignoring him. I'm usually busy putting up trash, cleaning dishes, or something and it takes a bit of time to finish that and come to Alan to see what he's wanting. A time or two I've told him to wait and let me finish, but that also disturbs him and results in the same behavior.

Homework is still achore, but he's getting better at it. I continue to find the TV remote in his hands despite the countless times I've told him he's not to touch it and there will be no television on school nights. I've already taken the habit of hiding the DSS access card so he can't watch it while I'm at work.

Will this ever end?

On a brighter note, he is doing pretty good at school. It is 75% of the semester and he has 6 points (an S). Last year, he'd be at 11, which is an N. So that's a full letter grade up in behavior! I'm extremely happy about this, even though Alan is disappointed. He so wants to be a patrol next year. He knows to be nominated he has to have 5 or less points each semester. Blowing it by a point now (and probably a few points in the coming 2 weeks) would put him out of the running for patrol. But I told him if he keeps up the S he and a friend can play one game of LaserQuest on me.

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