Saturday, April 24, 2004

Fiesta 2004

We haven't really done a lot of Fiesta events in the past. It's a fun time, but can be so crwoded. There are a bunch of different events you'd think there would be a few that aren't crowded, but it isn't so anymore.

But this year Fran and I took the kids to the carnival. They block off a large section of streets and parking lots right smack in the middle of downtown. There are rides and games and food everywhere. It's a big event and lasts the entire Fiesta - two weeks worth I think it is.

I heard on the radio about the armband pass. Usually the bands are good for Monday-Thursdays, but not this time. You buy the pass before Fiesta for $15.00 and it is good for any day of the carnival. I wasn't sure exactly how much the rides were, but I figured if the rides were $2.00 each, then 8 rides is easy to do by the kids. I bought the tickets hoping to go on the last Saturday of Fiesta.

Fran has always wanted to go to King Williams Fair. It's supposed to be one of the smaller, lesser known festivals. So we plan on going to King Williams Fair around noon and then head over to the carnival when we got tired of King William

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

A question of length

I'm approaching classic length (that's when your hair reaches just past your butt) and am thinking this will be it. I like my length, it's still easy to care for - I can manage to get the brush all the way through in a sweep - and it is longer than the average person. I like being just a little different, but not overly so. So classic will be my home.

And with that decision, it will require trimming more often than once or twice a year. Besides I'd like to see if by staying at this length whether or not my ends will be any healthier and thicker than what they are now. They look pretty good as is, but can it be better? ah, the constant quest for better, stronger, prettier. sigh.

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Caution - under construction

I'm adding commenting features to my pages. I'm looking forward to my pages being a little more interactive. It also has a trackback feature, but I'm not sure if that will be of any use for me. I'd appreciate it if you would leave a comment in a post that suits your fancy. Then I can test this commenting system and see if I've got it set up properly. Thanks for your patience.

Monday, April 05, 2004

Port Aransas Trip

Alan and I are learning to get along. I have to admit the fights are less and not as inflamed. He knows I do not back down anymore.

With all that said, he accomplished a major feat. He got all Bs and even one A for this semester! I was so excited I couldn't believe it. AND to add to the success he also maintained an E for behavior! An E when before he got an N or maybe the bottom of the S. An E!

This past weekend I took the kids to Port Aransas to the Sand Festival. It was a good time, but before we left town, Alan starts copping an attitude. Scowling face, hands folded in front, he wasn't in a good mood. He didn't want to go, he didn't like where he was sitting for the time being, he didn't like me telling him what to pack (and he didn't pack what I told him to pack.) He didn't like where we were eating dinner either. Nothing was going his way, so I set him aside and told him if he preferred he could stay with grandma and the dogs because I certainly didn't want his attitude to sour the trip. I also reminded him that last year he missed out on the coast trip because of his attitude and this year could be a repeat of that. He quickly changed his mind and I got his agreement that he'd try to be happier. For the most part it worked.

I really need to work on his reposnes to me. I'm constantly being told when to hush up by him. I don't like it. We were in line for ice cream and Alan turns to me and does a 'Mom be quiet' to me. I straight out tell him 'you don't talk to me like that. Go sit in the car' and he went without ice cream that night. He didn't bother to apologize either. I was going to talk to him about it later, but decided to let it ride and not dredge it up. But I will save it for reference later.


Since we went on a winter vacation, I wasn't planning on a long summer vacation this year. Mostly we will go to Fiesta Texas and down to the coast for a weekend or two.

This past weekend was the Texas Sand Festival in Port Aransas. Because it was raining at home and the weekend forecast wasn't any better, I decided to head for the beach. It was a lot of fun- the kids played in the water and I looked at the sculputures. I'd like to go each year. for pictures, go to the photos page for a link.

Now my sister is thinking about a train trip to New Orleans. I think it's worth looking into. I've always wanted to ride a train. I've ridden smaller routes - Williams to Grand Canyon, scenic Texas trains, and trains in Japan but what I'm talking about is a longer route. One that you have to sleep on. That would be a real training trip.

Hair Toy Storage idea

My hair toys are taking over my bedroom. I've got the following:
  • wire basket of scrunchies
  • wire basket of hair bands
  • wire basket of jaw clips
  • wire basket of hair barrettes, Ficcares, and Scandanavian Delights
  • plastic circle containing bunjiis
  • plastic circle containing elastics (hair friendly ones of course)
  • small glass container of plastic elastics (used for braid ends, one time use)
  • container of hair pins
  • cup full of hair sticks (Mei Fas anyone?)
  • drawer full of various other stuff that won't fit in the above
Varbalow posted her solution - a hanging basket! I've got one in the kitchen that's usually empty. Her idea is perfect for me. I've got to buy a hangar and try it ASAP.

ACV rinsing update

The new method of ACV rinsing is working well. I'm sticking with it for a while. I'm almost out of shampoo. I've got a few bottles of various Suave stuff already when it was on sale (how can a .99 bottle of shampoo be any cheaper?) so I'll use one of those. When you wash once or twice a week a bottle of shampoo can last forever. I'll have to mark the bottle, ask my daughter not to use any of it and see how long it actually takes.

I'm not using shea butter anymore either. It's not that I don't like it, it's more that I'm lazy and forget to do it. With a hit and miss regimen I can't ever get a good idea of whether it's of any good for my hair. I still use it religiously on my legs and face. I love my perfumed shea butter

Thursday, April 01, 2004

Hair Toys - Bunjiis and Ficcares

Brad the bunjiidude has some pretty lampwork beads on his bunjiis and of course I bought some. I think I bought a total of five, mostly greens and blues but there is an orange one too. I like wearing them, they are pretty and unique enough without being weird. I wish they had silver side hubs, but the normal black hubs are good too.

I also got a pair of Ficcare hair sticks. They are about 6" iirc (if I remember correctly) and the tips are dipped in what appears to be a dark tortoise color. The sticks are square shaped too. I can't wait to wear them. I think they will be awesome and might even be the set I keep in my purse.