Monday, April 05, 2004

Port Aransas Trip

Alan and I are learning to get along. I have to admit the fights are less and not as inflamed. He knows I do not back down anymore.

With all that said, he accomplished a major feat. He got all Bs and even one A for this semester! I was so excited I couldn't believe it. AND to add to the success he also maintained an E for behavior! An E when before he got an N or maybe the bottom of the S. An E!

This past weekend I took the kids to Port Aransas to the Sand Festival. It was a good time, but before we left town, Alan starts copping an attitude. Scowling face, hands folded in front, he wasn't in a good mood. He didn't want to go, he didn't like where he was sitting for the time being, he didn't like me telling him what to pack (and he didn't pack what I told him to pack.) He didn't like where we were eating dinner either. Nothing was going his way, so I set him aside and told him if he preferred he could stay with grandma and the dogs because I certainly didn't want his attitude to sour the trip. I also reminded him that last year he missed out on the coast trip because of his attitude and this year could be a repeat of that. He quickly changed his mind and I got his agreement that he'd try to be happier. For the most part it worked.

I really need to work on his reposnes to me. I'm constantly being told when to hush up by him. I don't like it. We were in line for ice cream and Alan turns to me and does a 'Mom be quiet' to me. I straight out tell him 'you don't talk to me like that. Go sit in the car' and he went without ice cream that night. He didn't bother to apologize either. I was going to talk to him about it later, but decided to let it ride and not dredge it up. But I will save it for reference later.