Tuesday, June 24, 2003

My Second GM TreatmentandHow I Got to Speak with Dr George Michael!

I'm back from a trip to Dallas for a GM treatment! It was a lot of fun and I'm sure I'll miss something I wanted to tell y'all about it but I'll do my best.

First off I picked up LongHairRennie at her place Saturday morning and we chatted all the way to Dallas! She's a sweet lady with fine looooong red hair. I have never seen such red! I kept my sunglasses on in her presence! 8) hehe.

Our appointment was at 2pm and we made it despite taking the wrong I-35. (tbear, you need to give me a lesson on Dallas highways) We gave up trying to figure it out and took the speedy tollway and arrived without more delays.

Bill was as sweet as ever, he gave us hugs and welcomed us. He knew we liked pictures and reminded us that he needed to take before shots. What a thoughtful guy!
Snippet and Rennie, before the GM treatment

me in a bunch of rollers
Then he got to work on us: Rennie was first. He did the usual wash, sectioned off hair and slathered on lots of the 1hour treatment stuff and then wrapped the hair around on top of her head. Then she was in the beautiful pink heat cap for an hour. I was next. After Rennie's timer went off, he rinsed her well, applied the cream rinse and then combed her, put in the rollers and put her under the dryer (106° = ten degrees above body temp) for another hour. Then it was my turn. I think this shot is after I'd been under the dryer, but look at them rollers! :shock:

During all this we chatted and pounded Bill with questions. Rennie was very good and remembered all the questions about GM theories and opinions; I listened a lot :)

While we were under the dryers, Bill took a break and made a few phone calls. I didn't hear anything cause I can't hear with the dryer noise and besides I had just bought the new Harry Potter book to keep me busy ;) But at one point I did hear him say "Dr Michael this is Bill" and I wondered who he was talking to? Darn those loud dryers. Then after a bit he gave the phone to Rennie and she talked on his phone. Strange, I thought. Then Bill bent closer to me and said "Dr Michael wants to talk to you next. He's 85 and has a Russian accent" I was astounded so I said "get outta here" and he told me indeed it was him on the phone! I was so excited! After Rennie talked for a bit, I got to talk to Dr Michaes!!!!! What would I say? I didn't have to worry a bit, cause he's a charmer and loves to talk. He already knew a bit about me and my hair (I guess Bill told him while we were drying) but he asked a few more questions about it and he said he was so happy I liked the system and that my hair was beautiful according to Bill. He told me that he wanted me to take pictures and send them to him. He said to do it soon cause his birthday was coming up and it would be a nice present for him! Can you believe it? :D Then .... this was wild..... he said to be sure to add my phone number and address, because he will call and thank me for the pictures. And he said to give him a time that is good to call, because he hates to talk to machines. I can't remember what else we chatted about, but I know I did tell him how happy I was with the GM products and Bill's work. When he closed he told me how he couldn't wait to see my hair and it's beauty. Then he said "Well it was a great treat to speak with you lovely Carol, now let me talk to Billy" I nearly laughed at the Billy remark!!!!

After all that, I HAD to tell someone. So I left a message on Tbear's phone, but that wasn't enough. Dulci couldn't believe it when I told her! I was freaked too, it was very weird to speak to the man himself!

Whew! Back to the treatments.... he unrolled Rennie and did a split end trim on her hair. He didn't do that at the last visit I had so this was new for me to watch. He took little sections (about 8 or so total) and twisted the hair. Then he spotted and clipped selected hairs that stuck out. It didn't take long, Rennie must be doing a good job by not using rubberband and ponytail holders. Bill doing a split end trim on Rennie's hair

Rennie after the treatment Then he combed her out fully and trimmed her ends. It's beautiful don't you think?

Then it was my turn. He unrolled me, combed it out then dusted the ends! I got a dusting! He also said I was tailbone length! I didn't think I was but wasn't too sure if I knew where tailbone was exactly (yes I do know my anatomy, but you know how terminology gets sometimes). He took longer than usual on the dusting - Rennie said my hair flipped weird and Bill was trying to sort it out. I think he did a great job - here's a pic of the GM flip on my hair. see the signature GM flilp at the bottom of my hair?

my hair after the treatment, so soft shiny and silky! And this is my after shot! I'm at 37 inches now! The pic looks shorter than tailbone, I'm going to have to disagree with Bill. I'm not at tailbone - yet.

We loved our 'new' hair! It was past 6pm by then and we were starved. Rennie knew a great little rolled sandwich shop there that was delicious (Rolly Polly I think it's called) We didn't have time to shop so we skipped that part, but that's okay, cause we'll do that at the Austin meet next month! Rennie had a game to attend so I dropped her off to play and have fun. I went to see 'Alex and Emma' - good love story ;) After all that, we headed back home to Austin. It was a looooooong day, but very worthwile.

Saturday, June 14, 2003

Some lovely hair quotes

She knows her man, and when you rant and swear,

Can draw you to her with a single hair.

--- John Dryden, Persius.

Give me a look, give me a face,

That makes simplicity a grace;

Robes loosely flowing, hair as free, -

Such sweet neglect more taketh me

Than all the adulteries of art:

They strike mine eyes, but not my heart.

---Ben Jonson, Epicoene Or the Silent Woman.

Those curious locks so aptly twin'd,

Whose every hair a soul doth bind.

---Thomas Carew

Tying her bonnet under her chin,

She tied her raven ringlets in;

But not alone in the silken snare

Did she catch her lovely floating hair,

For, tying her bonnet under her chin,

She tied a young man's heart within.

--- Nora Perry, The Love-knot.

Friday, June 13, 2003

ODD study

Mom found a newspaper ad from the university looking for kids with ODD and no other problems. It seems they want to try an ADHD medication called Adderall on ODD kids and see if it helps any. I thought Alan would be perfect for this study. The analyst thought it couldn't hurt, and if we wanted to forgo the study, he could probably persuade his partner into writing a script for it.

I called the university and set up an appointment. They faxed me a 17 page paper explaining in detail the process and the procedures to be used. It didn't seem to be a problem, except for the blood.... they would need to draw two samples - one before the test and one after. I knew Alan would not like this.

But after talking to him, he agreed to go for it.

The interviews with the doc and Alan and I went well. I learned something in fact. Alan doesn't have all the indicators for inattentiveness, but he has quite a few of them. When the doc told me about this, we agreed that this study would most likely result in a major improvement for Alan.

At that time, the nurse was trying to draw blood. And Alan fainted :( poor guy, I wish I had been there to help. Are mothers a help in cases like this? I don't know. Anyways, he fainted and she couldn't finish the draw, so it wasn't enough blood to send. I kept hoping that Alan would continue, but he decided that was enough and he wanted out of the study. I couldn't persuade him otherwise - a hallmark of ODD is Defiance after all. The nurse, doctor and I talked about it some and thought he might reconsider on Monday. He hasn't. I'm disappointed.

Sunday, June 01, 2003

French Twist

my french twist I can't do a French Twist for the life of me. I don't know if it is because I have too much hair or that I don't have the skill. I was able to get something like a French Twist by first wrapping my hair around a long hairstick and then laying the hairstick vertically on the back of my head. Then I grasped the hair and took out the hairstick. I tucked it a little more and inserted a Ficcare clip. Not bad for my first tries.