Wednesday, January 14, 2004

My Kids are Great

As sure as I post this, things will screw up. But I wanted to say how proud I am of my kids.

Grace got straight A's this semester. This term we had to go to the school to get her report card and have this parent/student review where Grace goes through each of her grades and tells me a bit about it and what she plans on doing to improve. Nothing different than we do at home when she gets her report cards, but I'm sure there are plenty of parents where that isn't true. I met her reading teacher tonight and she gushed about how great and pretty she was. It was very nice of her to say so, and a little embarrassing for me. sheesh, what a nice problem for me eh? It was funny too, because Grace stressed to me that I'm not to talk to the teacher except for a Hello. But it was the teacher that started it. lol

Then Alan. Alan. His grades were good too, not as good as Grace's but good for Alan. He didn't raise his English C, but it didn't lower either. All B's and that C. I'm happy. He didn't do so well in behavior; that's something I don't know if he'll ever improve.
He's doing exceptional in Kenpo Karate though. After last month and Mr Castro giving up his studio I wasn't sure if we'd have a teacher. Truitt Weiland is a great teacher and Alan loves learning from him. He's doing really well and looks so sharp practising his techniques.
We are doing pretty well at home too. He's been grounded once for smarting off with me this month. He came out later apologizing pretty well, but I didn't let him off (but I was so ready to cave in) and he understood. Other than that, our fights have been regulated to mostly his attempts at telling me what I should have said/how I should have acted/driven. He's the critic of all time.

I've mulled over whether I should take him back to the counselor. When we left him we had this goal of doing better in the behavior at school. In the beginning of the school year it looked like he was improving, but now, it's apparent that was very temporary. I SO want Alan to be better in this area, but I don't know if I'm asking for too much. It really pains me to think that on game day (4 times a year) he can't play because his behavior points were over the limit. I think it hurts Alan's feelings too, but he's so used to it he doesn't show any emotion about it anymore.

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