Saturday, January 31, 2004


Funny thing. I was going through all my mail and found the usual newspaper from the hospital. I skimmed through it figuring I wouldn't find anything of interest (again) and toss it. But I read one small article about a symposium on ADHD kids. That wasn't the interesting part - it was two sessions in particular - one on ODD kids and the other on Not Fighting to Get Homework Done. Oh my God, He does work miracles! Help is right here. I cut out the article and called the first thing in the morning and registered.

It was a good seminar. Most of the information was reinforcement, and that is always a good thing for a tired mom to hear again. I need boosting and reinforcement! Most of all I came away knowing that I'm on the right track, I'm not alone, and I can find someone who knows what I'm dealing with right here in my own city.