Wednesday, February 25, 2004


I'm going to try and update this page every day with a log of how Alan and I interact.

I'm still having troubles with Alan, but not as much. Maybe I'm glossing over it because I'm just too tired to deal with it. I still have to ask him if he's brushed his teeth, his hair, and has deoderant on before school. And homework continues to be a battle.

Today he woke up yelling at Grace to turn off her alarm clock. Grace corrected it, but not without some words from her. Alan's alarm doesn't go off again. He and I argue about the time it should be set (he:6am me:6:30am) and thus he messes with the controls to where it is totally screwed up.

I finally get up and ask what he's doing - playing with the dogs. He's brushed his teeth and hair, but hasn't got any shoes nor deoderant on. And his notebook is still on the table waiting to be put into his backpack.

Once again, I tell him about the basic chores he needs to do and the magnet board in the hall that has the reminders for him. He jsut says he forgets.

Grace got her report card and did very well. She had all A's and two B's. She's doing well in volleyball too. They moved her to B team but she's getting more play time. It's better being first string on the B team that being second string on the A team. Now the season is over and the A team plays in the tournament. Grace might get to play, as some of the A team kids can't play due to poor grades. She'll find out today.