Friday, February 13, 2004

Cinnamon Buns, Fragrant EOs, and Shampoo Update

I'm not very good at doing cinnamon buns - the kind that lay flat against your head. Mine tend to go vertical on me and then become a bee butt. So I've been trying to make an attempt at cinnamon bun whenever I put my hair up. It ain't easy, I think I'm winding too tightly. This morning, however, I had just washed my hair and so it was wet. I combed it out and decided to put it up anyways. I got a good looking bun in two attempts. I used hair pins to hold it up and then a hairstick with a connecting dangle for decoration. I just got this stick (I can't remember where though!) and wasn't so sure about how to wear it. But I've got it in and the dangle is hanging below the bun. It looks nice I think. I'll keep playing with it in the hopes of finding a great look.

Sorry, but I don't have any pictures today.

This past weekend I bought my favorite perfumes, Ombre Rose and Cool Water, from the International House of Fragrance and it came to me that I could use the fragrances in my hair! It is a waste for me to wear normal perfumes and colognes because the scent disappears so quickly. My dad found this guy (retired from Fabrege) who made reproductions and I've been a loyal customer ever since -- and this was back in '80 waaaay before repro fragrances were popular. Anyways, I added 10 drops of Ombre Rose to my daily shea butter jar and it smells awesome! I use the shea butter on my freshly shaved legs, on my dry face and elbows and now I'm smelling great too.

And I've been trying something new in rinsing too. Usually I shampoo standing up with my hair down my back. Then I'd rinse bent over with my hair in front. I always felt I was ignoring the front part of my hair even though I made a determined effort to rinse well. So I've decided to rinse in the same position as I do the shampoo. That will ensure the front is rinsed well which is the problem area. I did it today and I haven't seen a flake yet! I'm holding my breath though. I sure hope this is a solution.