Thursday, March 20, 2003

My HairStory

I've never worried about bad hair cuts because my hair grows so fast I knew it would grow out before long.

I've always had bangs until I began to really think about growing my hair longer. Now that I've grown them out to the length of the rest of my hair, I am loving it. No more hair in my face (my mother loves this!)

When I was very small, I had hair so long that I could sit on it. After that, it has been short (read that as pixie short) and stick straight.

In college, I began my hair experiment phase - perms! I had it afro-tight and generally loose. They were easy-care styles that fit my personality -- wash and go. My last perm was in 1997.

I got a divorce in 1998 and had so many things to take care of that my hair took a back seat to everything. Thus my hair grew longer without me thinking much about it. This was a good thing, because my mind was on other things instead of my stressing out on my bangs and how irritating they were.

Now, my hair is just past my waist and I'm loving it! My first goal is to have a yard of hair, then I think I'll set my goal lower (!) and go for tailbone length. I don't have a final length in mind, since I have never had it this long nor have I known anyone in real life with hair this long. I'll keep growing until it becomes a bother to mess with, or the hair no longer looks healthy.

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