Wednesday, September 24, 2003


Today Alan came home and cried like a baby. He was so upset, I had never seen him react like this. After holding him for a while, he was able to say he got another behavior point. This makes 5 points and he thought that took him down a rung to an S in the behavior grading system (Excellent, Satisfactory, Needs Improvement, Unsatisfactory) and therefore out of contention to be a School Patrol next year.

I've never seen him this upset and it pulled at me terribly. He mentioned that he's tried to do something different at school, but every time he hasn't been chosen - testing for Promise was the example he brought up.

I tried to cite examples of things he does do that are super - taking karate and soccer. But they don't count, because they aren't school activities.

After a nap (for the both of us) I told him that I was still very very proud of his behavior. Just last year he was consistently getting N's. To expect him to jump two levels to an E is preposterous. I told him that he still has an E, and if he does get more points, he's still doing wonderful.

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