Wednesday, September 03, 2003

You Can't Teach an Old Dog New Tricks

Ah.... the new school year. Grace is in 7th and liking classes and classmates despite having to wear uniforms now. Alan is in 4th and doing likewise but without the uniforms. Can it get any better than this? I think not.

But just to make sure we started off straight and on the right path, I wanted to reinstate the Poker Chip Payment Plan. Only I forgot the combination to the lock! ARGHHHHH! I'm dumber than dirt.

Dr Gunzberger thinks we are doing well and to see how things are going in 9 weeks. He's right - if Alan is doing well, then the praise goes to him and him alone. If he were on pills and doing well, the praise would go to the pills and not recognize the advances in maturity Alan has made. So time will tell. Keep your fingers crossed.

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