Friday, September 05, 2003

Homework blues already

This week started off well (well it was a holiday, how can it be any better?) but ended poorly. Alan waited until the last day to do his homework. I kept reminding him every day to do a page, but he ignored me. I promised myself that I'd be easy on him Mon-Wed and then on Thursday get after him like a duck on a June bug. And so I did. He didn't like it. He tries to bring his homework into the living room to watch tv as well. Not a chance, and he's perturbed. I tell him he does have a choice - bedroom or dining room. More comments about not being fair.

Now don't get all bothered, he didn't have a lot to do - 1 page of math and 2 of English, but they are front and back. He naturally went for the math first and I helped him on some of the problems, but it went smoothly. He tends to skip the instructions and go for the problems and that gets him in trouble. Then came English work. Instantly, he gets a headache. hmmm, interesting. Ok, I said, just do this page and rest some. Nope, headache's terrible mom. Fight ensues, but it's quick because I won't have any of that. I send him to bed. He goes to bed, obviously not sleepy, but has to because it would blow his cover. All evening long, he pops back in to complain about this or that. I send him back.

We've been over this last year, and he knows that tv isn't to be turned on until I get home. But he's been watching it this week. He says he 'forgot' which doesn't wash with me. When he calls I give him suggestions - do your homework, put away your clothes, read for 20 minutes, write your spelling words. All of them has gone ignored.

But I'm not upset yet. Next week, because he's done poorly this week, I'm going to take the time and do homework with him. I need to make a schedule....

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