Friday, April 18, 2003

Eunice Cleans House

Eunice, our housekeeper, cleaned house yesterday. She comes maybe
once a month to help me keep everything neat and clean. I've been
doing a pretty good job of keeping the house clean. Alan on the other
hand has a room that looks like a tornado lives there.
I am always onto him about cleaning it, but he doesn't really care
even though he can get paid for it. I told him if he'd do just one
section of the room, I'd pay him. Even 20 minutes would be worth it.
But he's stubborn, that one is.
So, I warned the kids that Eunice was coming. She's been known to
move things around to where the kids can't find their things. Alan
had that happen to him yesterday - his beloved poker chips were gone!
He called me at work frantic that his chips were missing and demanding
that I repay him. hehe I know they have to be somewhere in his room,
she doesn't mess with things THAT much.
When I came home, his room was very clean. Not spotless because he's
got so much junk there is no way to have it spotless. Besides, he's a
kid and kids don't need spotless rooms. But he was right, I couldn't
find the chips either. Now I've got to count my stash (the bank) and
see if she added them to the bank.
Poor Alan!

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