Friday, April 25, 2003

The Great GM Experience

I had been reading the forums and saw a lot of talk about GM treatments and GM salons. Dr George Michael is a man who has developed a line of products especially for long hairs. He also trains people in the proper use of the products and his theories of long hair care. Unfortunately, there are about 20 salons in the US that are GM trained. And the closest to me is in Dallas.

One of the ladies on LHC mentioned she and another were going to Dallas, so I asked if I could barge in on their trip. This was an exciting trip for two reasons: the GM experience, and meeting Teacherbear and Dulci! We had a great time, they are both friendly and fun to be with. We chatted on the drive up to Dallas, checked into our room (we all stayed in the same room, a nice suite-type of place, highly recommended and close to the salon!), and then went out to eat. Afterwards, we went back to the room and played with hairtoys and styles. The room could have been a brighter to see all the great things we were doing. One of the best things we did was feel each other's hair. I'm not kidding! I'm not talking hair, the strands individually. I was amazed that each of our strands felt so different. My hair felt straight and thickish all the way down. Tbear's strand felt so thin I could hardly feel it at all. Dulci's hair felt thick and thin down the length. When you turned her hair it would feel thin and then thick. It was a helix pattern, I guess that's what gives her the curls she has. I couldn't believe this! Imagine, three women who had never met in person, check into a hotel room and touch each other's hair!?! It sounds strange, but we all felt very comfortable with each other. Dulci and Teacherbear are exactly as they post online, no false pretenses with them.

Our hair before the GM visit.  From left to right: Teacherbear, me, Dulci.  Bill had some lovely hair to work with didn't he?

The next morning was the GM treatment. We had a wonderful breakfast at the hotel (they have a waffle maker!) and then went to meet Bill Mahavier. It is in a large complex of salons and beauty experts. I haven't seen a store like this before, but it was wonderful and very nice looking. Bill is a very friendly guy and has a great sense of humor. He took a look at our hair to determine his battle plan, I was to go first, then Tbear, then Dulci. I first was shampooed with the creme shampoo, rinsed, then he slathered on the conditioner. After the conditioner, he wrapped my head in wax paper, then put a heat cap on and let me 'bake' for an hour. Dulci and I talked while he did Teacherbear. After the hour was up I returned to the sink and was rinsed. Then he applied the creme rinse. I then sat in the chair where I was rollerset with big rollers and then sat under a hair dryer for about an hour (I didn't time it). I had to stay under the dryer longer after Bill checked the hair. under the heat caps
with rollers on

my hair after the rollerset After the hair was suitably dry, I was unrolled and brushed out. Wow! The hair felt so smooth and silky! Bill gave me the brush and I brushed my hair following his instructions. After the brushing lesson and the fun of seeing my lovely hair, I stood up straight and let Bill trim the ends. I didn't care how much he trimmed, after all he's the expert and knows what is good hair and what needs to go. I think he cut about 1/2" off.

Bill's attention then turned to Tbear and Dulci. Teacherbear's hair was so golden and smooth, like flowing honey. Her hair is so long that she got to stand on a stool for her trim. The flip at the bottom was very sexy. Dulci was looking forward to running her hand through her hair without it snagging on her curls. She got to do it! But it was short lived, because her curls slowly started bouncing back in. I loved it though, her hair has so much body.

Dulci, me and Teacherbear after our treatment

After the great care provided by Bill we had him take lots of pictures. We then turned our attention to Nordstroms for hair toys. I learned how to pronounce Ficcare (Fi -car- ray) and found a large maximus in brushed silver that I just had to have. The Mei Fa's were very pretty too. Dulci bought a pair. I also bought a Ficcare circle barrette in brushed silver and a velvet scrunchie in brown tones. At the Ulta store I picked up a brush that Bill recommended for me to help with the flakes I'm plagued with. I also bought some magic Grip pins and a cheapie tortoise shell prong. I forgot to mention that I also bought the GM shampoo, creme rinse and 12 min conditioner from Bill.

As if reading this wasn't enough, you can read more about it and other's comments at the net54 board where we posted our trip report.

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