Wednesday, April 16, 2003

Poker Chip Payment Plan

After that terrible terrible week, it didn't get much better. On the first we instituted the poker chip payment plan. It is based on getting paid for things you do, and paying for things that you want. So, if he makes his bed and brushes his teeth without my telling him, he gets 3 chips for each job. Feed the dog - 3 chips. You get the idea. Now if he wants to do something, he has to pay me 5 chips. Watch tv for 30 minutes during his time? - 5 chips. Play with friends for an hour? - 10 chips Play with his gameboy for 30 minutes? - 5 chips. Alan really screamed and protested this, but I stuck to it. He's calmed down now, but we still have some questions to iron out.

For instance, I think some things are ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY and must be done. Right now, it is brushing teeth, writing in his journal and doing homework. Should I up the payment for these items? Alan insists he will not write in his journal, despite the fact that he's doing badly in writing and that he doesn't even know how to write his address.

Also, what do I do about temper tantrums, backtalking, stealing and the lying? Shouldn't there be payments for this type of behavior? That's why I am using poker chips; they aren't something found in the house that he can steal.

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